Juana Millán School of Women Entrepreneurs
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Juana Millán was the first woman who, in 1537, in Zaragoza (Spain), used her own name to sign her name as the person responsible for the printing of a book in the printing press that she herself ran in her husband's absence.

With this signature, Juana Millán broke away, in the middle of the 16th century, from the tutelage exercised by men in the intervention of women in business. She assumed and reaffirmed her active role in the management of the printing press, moving away from the passive position often occupied by women, who were mere transmitters of business.

Juana Millán, widowed on three occasions, was an entrepreneurial woman, capable of running two businesses, a printing press and a library, without having the ability to write, capable of managing her workers, and able to overcome adversity and move forward.

As a tribute to this woman, the Women’s Institute (Spain) promoted a school for women entrepreneurs, “Juana Millán School of Women Entrepreneurs”, a virtual space that provides access to specialised training in business management and facilitates the incorporation of women who need to learn how to become entrepreneurs.

This is a support space for women to start up their business idea or consolidate their company, through training, tutoring, resources and activities aimed at promoting female entrepreneurship.

The School of Women Entrepreneurs is available on: https://escueladeemprendedoras.es/


Entrepreneurship, school, women, business


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