Whatfix - digital solution for real-time training
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Experian is a leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to clients around the world, employing over 16.000 people.

Experian largely invested on the Salesforce digital platform to help its salespeople manage their business and client relationships as effectively as possible. Despite a strong training set-up, users struggled to leverage the various functions of Salesforce. Therefore, the Experian’s training team decided that digital adoption depended on implementing interactive, on-demand training support that helps users in the flow of work, and hence decided to invest in Whatfix.

Whatfix is a Digital Adoption Solution (DAS) which disrupts Application Training, Learning and support content by providing Interactive, real-time and autonomous user guidance. Experian now offers real-time training that is personalized to the users’ role, language, and business units.

With the help of Whatfix’s auto-generated multi-formats (videos, PDFs, slideshows, etc.), launching Salesforce in a new business unit became easier and more efficient. Moreover, sales reps also have access to an always-available self-help menu that provides users contextual information whenever users are unsure of how to perform a process or task.


  • Reduction of the time to launch a new business unit from 3 months to 1 month;
  • The general user adoption timeline went from 8 months to 3 months;
  • A 60% reduction in content creation, a 50% reduction in training time, and a 20% improvement in data quality.


Interactive, personalised, on-demand training for international business units / Digital Adoption Solution / Whatfix

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