Women entrepreneurs awarded: Panduru
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Within the framework of the Juana Millán School for Women Entrepreneurs, awards were held in 2022 to contribute to the recognition of the efforts of women entrepreneurs, identifying projects that highlight the principles, values and practices of the Social and Solidarity Economy, in order to promote and encourage transformative female entrepreneurship.

Ana Marcos Álvarez and Elena Fernández Suárez, two Asturian (Spanish) social professionals specialised in training and employment programmes, as well as creative entrepreneurs with a desire to work with their hands, were among the participating entrepreneurs who received the "Premio con Nombre Propio" (Award with a Name of One’s Own).

From this combination, together with their environmental awareness, Panduru was born, an initiative that transforms leftover bakery bread into delicious baked goods, made with love and based on the traditional culture of food utilisation of women from previous generations.

These awards allowed to recognise the effort of entrepreneurship, as well as to give recognition and visibility to the projects. Thanks to this, it is possible to recognise how these women were able to recognise an opportunity for sustainable entrepreneurship, using the surplus from bread production to make baked goods.


Award, entrepreneur, sustainability, women

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